Readline shortcuts

GNU Readline is the library used to make advanced command-line wizardry convenient and conistent across a multitude of command-line applications. These programs include bash, bc, ftp, gnuplot, gpg, ksh, mysql, psql, python, smbclient, xmllint and zsh.

The cheatsheet at the right contains a summary of many of the useful line editing command shortcuts which are available in all applications that use libreadline.

See the documentation on the Readline website for even more shortcuts with more elaborate descriptions.

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Emacs keys Action Scope Direction/Place
Moving around Ctrl-b Move the cursor one character ⇦ to the left
Ctrl-f Move the cursor one character ⇨ to the right
Alt-b Move the cursor one word ⇦ to the left
Alt-f Move the cursor one word ⇨ to the right
Ctrl-a Move the cursor ⇤ to the start of the line
Ctrl-e Move the cursor ⇥ to the end of the line
Ctrl-x-x[1] Move the cursor ⇤⇥ to the start, and to the end again
Cut, copy
and paste
Backspace Delete the character ⇦ to the left of the cursor
Delete the character underneath the cursor
Ctrl-u Delete everything ⇤ from the cursor back to the line start
Ctrl-k Delete everything ⇥ from the cursor to the end of the line
Alt-d Delete word ⇨ untill before the next word boundary
Ctrl-w Delete word ⇦ untill after the previous word boundary
Ctrl-y Yank/Paste prev. killed text at the cursor position
Alt-y Yank/Paste prev. prev. killed text at the cursor position
History Ctrl-p Move in history one line ⇧ before this line
Ctrl-n Move in history one line ⇩ after this line
Alt-> Move in history all the lines ⇩ to the line currently being entered
Ctrl-r Incrementally search the line history ⇧ backwardly
Ctrl-s[2] Incrementally search the line history ⇩ forwardly
Ctrl-J End an incremental search
Ctrl-G Abort an incremental search and restore the original line
Alt-Ctrl-y Yank/Paste arg. 1 of prev. cmnd at the cursor position
Yank/Paste last arg of prev. cmnd at the cursor position
Undo Ctrl-_
Undo the last editing command; you can undo all the way back to an empty line
Alt-r Undo all changes made to this line
Ctrl-l Clear the screen, reprinting the current line at the top
Ctrl-l Clear the screen, reprinting the current line at the top
Completion TAB Auto-complete a name
Alt-/[3] Auto-complete a name (without smart completion)
Alt-? List the possible completions of the preceeding text
Alt-* Insert all possible completions of the preceeding text
Transpose Ctrl-t Transpose/drag char. before the cursor ↷ over the character at the cursor
Alt-t Transpose/drag word before the cursor ↷ over the word at/after the cursor