Open folder icon Rowan tree, berries, tales & uses

The rowan tree is not only magical, it's magical as well.


It's funny how some of these so-called ancient tree calendars (none of which are actually older than a few decades) attribute a completely different month to the Rowan tree. This calendar seems to have settled on January/February. - Added: 6 April 2004 - Last modified: 3 June 2004

"Tree Calendars are extremely ancient in origin and can be traced back as far as 5000 BC. They are therefore widespread and to be found wherever the old Goddess religion left its mark. When the Celts came to these isles they would have brought with them their own version of the old truths which in time fused with the existing beliefs from a former age to form the distinct flavour that is the Celtic magical ethos." - Added: 6 April 2004 - Last modified: 3 June 2004

"To the Celts and many other peoples of the old world, certain trees held special significance as a fuel for heat, cooking, building materials and weaponry. In addition to this however, many woods also provided a powerful spiritual presence." - Added: 6 April 2004 - Last modified: 3 June 2004

"The Rowan tree was believed to be magical tree which grew red berries that were the food of the gods. These berries were so sacred that it was believed that the Gods guarded them jealously and kept them from man." - Added: 6 April 2004 - Last modified: 3 June 2004

By Glennie Kindred: "The Rowan (sorbus aucuparia), Mountain Ash, Quickbeam, has the ability, perhaps more than any other tree, to help us increase our psychic abilities and connections. It has a beneficial energy which will increase our abilities to receive visions and insights which in turn will increase our communication with the spirit realms." - Added: 6 April 2004 - Last modified: 3 June 2004

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